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I’ve got to Walk on the Tightrope

I’m learning that this weight loss journey is a series of moments where I’m successful in balancing the aspects of my life. I mean really think about what I just said! In order to lose weight you must eat foods balanced in nutrients. You must also burn more calories than you take in, creating a calorie deficit. In essence you must get in a good amount of high cardio, pair that with quality strength training… but wait… You have life outside of your goals.
You’re probably a parent, a student, a caretaker, a spouse, a best friend, someone’s child, a sibling. Whomever you may be to someone, you still must balance that with who you are to yourself. Ah, yes! Who ARE YOU to yourself? Are you a critic or motivator? Are you a friend or foe to yourself? Are you positive or negative to yourself?
Where is your balance? How well do you walk on the tight rope? I’m here to tell you that it takes practice, it takes skill, it take resiliency and it takes persistence. I’m also here to tell you that you, yes I said YOU, can do it. You MUST DO IT in order to be successful! Will there be times when you feel that you can’t go another step? Yes there will be! Will there be a time when you feel like you’ve failed? Absolutely!! Will there ever be a time when you will fall? Yeppers!!! Will you stay down? You better NOT! As a matter of fact I command you, I demand you to not stay down! You must will yourself to move up and move on! Why? Because the tightrope is meant for the skilled and confident, the calculated and persistent. As a matter of fact,?have you ever seen anyone get on a tightrope that was not any of those things I mention? My answer is no. I’m sure yours was too! Get on the tightrope and keep trying until you can walk on it everyday and not fall off. Practice makes perfect… W

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